lundi 28 avril 2008

Hi this is FedEx Trade Networks...

Je dors paisiblement... À vrai dire selon Dracula je ronfle profondément, tel un bruit de frein moteur. Soudain le téléphone sonne...

Boubou: «Hmm hello?»
Appelant (voix féminine): «Hi this is a call from FedEx Trade Networks, how do you feel today?»
Boubou: «Hmm not bad, and you? Do you have good news? I was sure that you have forget me...»
Femme: «No no we have not forget you, we have juste receive the confirmation from Canadian custom... You can cross the border anytime»
Boubou: «Wouhouuuuuu» d'une voix peu convaincante

Enfin! Non mais ont aura juste attendu 18hres...

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